LPL’s major annual conference was back in San Diego again this year.  80 and sunny outside every single day, but AJ showed his dedication by attending many great educational sessions inside the San Diego Convention Center over a 3 day period.  Representing the HighPoint Advisors team this year, he sought out certain areas of interest for the benefit of both our team itself, as well as our clients.  Read on for a brief summary of some of the conference highlights.

Day 1:

The conference had begun!  The first day of FOCUS kicked off with LPL’s senior executives and a presentation by Olympian Apolo Ohno.  Then onto the Expo, where AJ visited some of our partner firms and enjoyed some Olympic-themed entertainment such as break dancers and BMX bike riders.   

Day 2:

The second day was action packed from start to finish.  AJ’s agenda included a dedicated town hall with LPL CEO Dan Arnold, many more partner visits in the Expo between sessions, educational break-outs (social security, election & politics, artificial intelligence, etc.), coffee in the Cafe, and ultimately ended the day by having drinks with our friends at Private Advisor Group.  Long day…..

Day 3:

The final day of the conference didn’t disappoint.  In the Expo, AJ had many conversations with various home office departments related to items our team needed more info about (marketing, compliance, Account View, tech, etc.), as well as even more visits to partner firms at their booths.  In addition, there was another slate of incredible breakout sessions (disruptive innovation investing, tax planning, AI deep dive, etc.), donuts in the Cafe, and an advisor-led presentation focused on teams with championship-level DNA.

Awesome and worthwhile conference, as always!

We go to these conferences to learn and get better.  The activities we participate in and the educational sessions we choose to attend are all for the benefit of our firm and our clients.  The knowledge gained this year at FOCUS 2024 will be worked into our process, and used to improve our ability to stay on the cutting edge of industry trends.  This all leads to us being able to provide the best possible service and advice to our clients.

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