Holistic Financial Planning

With holistic financial planning, HighPoint Advisors, LLC highlights your goals. Rather than viewing clients as balance sheets or a collection of assets, we view each individual as a unique entity with hopes, dreams, and a desire to build a lasting life and legacy.

What Is Holistic Financial Planning?

Traditional financial planning can be a cold and detached process. Generally, advisors take a cookie-cutter approach, recommending the same investment opportunities to many clients regardless of how different those clients may be in terms of background, wealth accumulation, and personal goals. In other cases, advisors make suggestions without thoroughly understanding their clients’ objectives or how they intend to use the money they make or save.
Holistic financial planning is the antidote to generic investing. We’ll take the time to sit with you and discuss what your goals are and how we can help you reach them. This can include:

Saving for your child’s college fund

While the overarching goals are hardly uncommon, the specifics — what that home looks like, what kind of retirement you want, etc. — make every situation different.

Putting The Puzzle Together

To be effective, no financial decision can be made independently of other financial decisions. Investing or implementing a savings strategy without a comprehensive game plan is like throwing darts at the wall without knowing where the bull’s eye is. Although you might get lucky enough to hit your target, you’ll often end up miles from where you want to be. Holistic financial planning identifies the target first, then builds a financial model. It’s like working backward, ensuring ample time and opportunity to help achieve the desired outcome.
In real life, people have more than one mission. You may want to retire early while also paying for your niece’s culinary school, or you may want to build vacation funds into your yearly budget while also setting aside enough money to buy a cabin by the lake finally. We’ll assist you with working toward ticking each item on your bucket list without sacrificing the others by finding a balance between all the moving parts that make up your financial road map.

The Planning Process

Though the financial planning process varies from person to person, the general methodology looks something like this:

Schedule Your Financial Consultation

Apps and online planners may be convenient, but they lack the personal care and customer service you can only find at HighPoint Advisors, LLC. Insist on great advice and craft the future you’ve always wanted with holistic financial planning; your goals could be even closer than you realize. To get started, contact us to schedule your initial consultation. Our accessible, dedicated staff can’t wait to show you how rewarding holistic financial planning can be.
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